Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My life in high school

Well as you all know, I'm in high school and is really very different to my other school because there are different teachers and the school is even bigger. I'm getting used to it but the teachers really send a lot of homework.  My first impression when I first came to this school was that I'm going to learn and that I'm going to meet new people. High school in this school is like a university because there are different subjects but each subject is in a different classroom so you have to change classroom every time you have a different subject. This school is bigger than my other school; it has also an elevator that you can use if you don't want to walk the stairs. But I think that this school is really cool because we start class at 8:30 a.m so we can sleep more and there is also a cafeteria with a lot of variety in food. This school also make some parties and organizes trips sometimes with the high school. 
My life in high school is so fun but at the same time is difficult because of the homework but I'm getting use to it!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Blog

Hello! I'm a 13 year old girl, I just started in a new school in Venezuela. My classmates and I created different blogs because the English teacher tell us to do it, the truth is that I don't like to write is like so boring but I'll have to do it if I want to have a good grades in english besides this is my first blog and I didn't know that this site really exists.
Well now I can tell you that I'm in high school and that I like hanging out with my friends and have a good time with them, I also like to do sports like soccer and tennis. Now that I tell you about myself I can say that I'll be writing about different things in this blog (I don't know what) but I am sure that it's not going to be boring. This is my first entry's and I didn't know what to write but I thought that you guys have to know a little bit about me before reading other things that I'll post.