Thursday, November 25, 2010


The dogs are very cute animals, people buy them as pets for home and it depends on the people's style. Some people buy them to take care of the house others uses them as a teddy. There are different type of races in dogs; the most known by the people are The Rottweiler, The Papillon, Labrador Retriever, Shetland Sheepdog, Doberman Pinscher, Golden Retriever, etc. If you are one that have a dog as a pet here are some ways that you can make them happy having a very healthy life; you have to shower them very good with dog's soap and make sure they have no lice but remember you should shower them once every two weeks because if you shower them every day it would damage the dog's hair, take it to the veterinary to a normal check. Then after you do this two things you should take it to cut their hair and their nails every 3 - 5 months and find them a home in a place where they can be relax otherwise the dog would live his life stressed. After you make sure your dog is healthy and sleeps in a very good place, you can play with it and take it to a walk and would have a better life. 

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